Links to sites we have a connection with.

Jo's blog, about getting published, writing Novel Two, and everything that comes with it.

Mary Ellen's long-standing blog about being an American living in England. It has a loyal readership - well worth reading.

Sally-Anne has self-published a number of stories and books on Amazon, as well as including author videos and links. Check it out here.

Our very own Joanna Barnard has won the Bath Novel Award. Click here to read the interview, and find out more about her award-winning novel.

Former Hogsbacker Josephine Chia was been shortlisted for the Singapore Literature Prize for non-fiction, for her book Kampong Spirit Gotong Royong. Wishing her every luck.

Former member Catriona Reeby has worked for several years with a publishing house, but in the end has self-published her book Schmoo. View her website here.